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The purpose of this questionnaire is to provide feedback on the 2023-2024 season from a coach's perspective. To make Elite a better organization every year, we need to know what works, what doesn't work, how to improve in areas that didn't work, and what would you like to see.
How was the communication from the Director, Director of Coaches, Hotel Coordinator and other coaches? If the communication wasn't what you expect, how can the communication be improved?
If you encountered a player and/or parent issue and you notified either the Director and/or Directors of Coaches, did they allow you to resolve it? If necessary, did they take the lead on resolving the issue? If they took the lead, did they keep you informed on the status of the situation?
For those of you who were involved in tryouts this past season, what did you like and/or dislike? If you disliked something, why and what would you do to improve that concern? (If you were not involved in tryouts, type N/A in the block)
What area(s) of coaching training would you like to have?
Provide additional comments, suggestions & recommendations not already discussed. If it's a weakness, include how you would improve that area.